ONEbyONE blog2023-07-24T12:19:01-05:00

1246 portraits in HOW MANY DAYS???

The Putnam Museum, in Davenport, Iowa, was celebrating their 150th anniversary. They chose to kick it off with our ONE by ONE Community Portrait™ experiences. They did a great job of publicizing it…newspaper, TV stations, radio, celebrity visits. A great job. So great that people came in droves! What was usually a 4 hour [...]

They’re definitely not drivers’ license photos.

I found relatively late in life that I have a talent for almost immediately sizing up a person, and knowing how to elicit a fun, interesting photo from them. Averaging over 50 photos an hour, you might think that they’d be pretty basic. But look at these. Hardly basic! (OK, you could say I [...]

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